Thursday, December 15, 2011

Guiding Thoughts for Subdivision Surface Modeling

  1. Volume, form, detail. Always in that order.
  2. Before adding another point/edge/poly, ensure that those that are already there are correctly placed.
  3. The vast majority of your time will be spent tweaking points.
  4. Don't get stuck working on your model from one angle, use your 4-way view and rotate around.
  5. Edge flows should follow the contours of your object.
  6. Trace edge flows onto real objects to get a sense of how to approach them.
  7. Use the bare minimum level of detail you can get away with to accomplish your task.
  8. Add detail by cutting in loops; localized detail tends to get messy.
  9. Quads, quads, quads.
  10. All previous thoughts should be discarded if they do not serve your aim.

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