Thursday, August 9, 2012

C4D Reference / Tutorial Resources

This is a partial list of C4D resources I use regularly. I have bolded those that will probably be of the greatest benefit to you. If you don't know where to start as a C4D animator, you could do worse than this:
  1. Compete in the 5-Second projects. Dedicate time to making a project you're proud of. Actually trying to make something is far more instructive than a manual could ever be.
  2. If you run into a problem, someone else probably has too and you'll be able to find an answer on the CG Talk forums.
  3. To stay current in all the latest and greatest in C4D, subscribe to C4D weekly. Read the whole newsletter and at least one article a week. If that's overwhelming, do it once every other week.
  4. Once you've put together a reel using your best 5 second projects, go to DMALA and meet up with some other C4D and AE artists in person. Bring cards, eat free pizza, get work.
  5. Whatever you do: create *something* on a regular basis.

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